Shree Raghunath Ji Temple

This temple stands as the testimony of the Divine Play of the Almighty. It is believed that here there was an huge open ground . The armies of Maharaja Ranjit Singh used to parade here. In those days a vairagi mahatma named Mahatma Bhagwan Das Ji Maharaj, because of this place being lonely and far away from the city and secluded, took his seat here and got engrossed in devotion to the Lord. Mahatma Bairagi ji had built temples of the Lord in Kabul, Peshawar, Kot Isse Khan, Shikarpur and Katasraj for his preaching and wanted to build a temple at this place.

He had the power of gurta ( a power in a person who can be seen simultaeously at different places at the same time.) Because of this power, he used to be in Amritsar at 10 O’clock in the day, then appeared in Calcutta at 12 o’clock and was found preaching among the devotees of Bombay at 1 o’clock.

Now under the supervision of Shree Durgiana Committee, this temple is being renovated by buying everything from the mahants and getting it vacated from the tenants.